Account Management is a sub-domain of Obligation Management (OBLMGT). This page contains information and artefacts for Digital Service Providers (DSPs) who have or are interested in developing web services that enable a business or their intermediary to manage their account and role information with the ATO. The services described below are only deployed on the SBR ebMS3 platform.
For ease of use, services have been organised into the following business processes:
- Account details – Allows users to list Tax and Superannuation accounts.
- Role details – Allows users to list, retrieve, add, update and cancel Activity Statement roles, along with providing a view of Superannuation roles.
- Transactions – Allows users to list ATO financial transactions for a particular account or role.

The ATO provides a number of common artefacts and reference documents to support DSPs (such as the ATO Service Registry and the ATO Service Support Versioning Strategy). These can be found here.
Account details
Suite Name: Client Account (CLNTACC) 2017
Service Name: Client Account Summary (CLNTACCSUM)
Service Version | 0001.2017 |
Service Actions | List – Provides a list of ATO account information for a particular client including account balance, account type and account name. |
Service Name: Client Account (CLNTACC)
Service Version | 0001.2017 |
Service Actions | List – Provides a list of ATO account information including the due and payable amount. The interest amount for certain accounts can be forecast to a future date. |
Name | Version number | Status | Size | Published date |
ATO CLNTACC 2017 Business Implementation Guide (DOCX) | 1.1 | Final | 276KB | 15 March 2018 |
ATO CLNTACC 2017 Package v1.4.Contents (DOCX) | 1.4 | Final | 226KB | 19 September 2024 |
ATO CLNTACC 2017 Package v1.4 (ZIP) | 1.4 | Final | 986KB | 19 September 2024 |
Role details
Service Suite: Account Role (ACCROLE) 2017
Service Name: Account Role Summary (ACCROLESUM)
Service Version | 0001.2017 |
Service Actions | List – Provides a list of current and historical ATO role summary information for an Activity Statement account. A list of Superannuation role types can also be provided. |
Service Name: Account Role (ACCROLE)
Service Version | 0001.2017 |
Service Actions |
List – Provides a list of ATO role information for an Activity Statement account. A list of Superannuation role types can also be provided including the due and payable amount. The interest amount for certain roles can be forecast to a future date. The actions below relate specifically to Activity Statement roles (e.g. GST, WET, LCT, FTC, PAYGW and PAYGI): Get – Allows an initiating party to retrieve details for selected activity statement roles. Submit – Allows an initiating party to add Activity Statement roles. Cancel – Allows an initiating party to cancel Activity Statement roles. Validate cancel – Allows an initiating party to validate the cancellation of Activity Statement roles. Update – Allows an initiating party to update Activity Statement roles. Validate update – Allows an initiating party to validate the update of Activity Statement roles. |
Name | Version number | Status | Size | Published date |
ATO ACCROLE 2017 Business Implementation Guide (DOCX) | 2.0 | Final | 417KB | 17 May 2018 |
ATO ACCROLE 2017 Package v1.3 Contents (DOCX) | 1.3 | Final | 257KB | 18 April 2019 |
ATO ACCROLE 2017 Package v1.3 (ZIP) | 1.3 | Final | 3.6MB | 18 April 2019 |
Service Suite: Client Update Manage Activity Statement Role (CUMAS) 2017 - DEPRECATED
Service Name: Transaction List (TXLST)
Service Versions | 0002.2016 |
Service Actions | List – Returns the complete list of financial transactions based on the statement of account view. Transactions can also be requested based on transaction run mode (normal or aggregate), processed date, effective date, sort order. |
Name | Version number | Status | Size | Published date |
ATO TXLST.0002 2016 Package v2.6 Contents (DOCX) | 2.6 | Final | 214KB | 19 September 2024 |
ATO TXLST.0002 2016 Package v2.6 (ZIP) | 2.6 | Final | 488KB | 19 September 2024 |
SBR ebMS3 webservices artefacts
The Australian Taxation Office has developed an ebMS/AS4 implementation extending on the SBR initiative to simplify Business to Government reporting obligations and aligning with the messaging standards chosen for Superannuation Reform. While this implementation replaces the existing SBR message wrapping, it does not replace the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) body provided in SBR web services, in fact the ATO implementation of the new system reuses the existing SBR XBRL message body for the majority of the services provided in the new format.
The following information describes how to implement web services consuming the ebMS3/AS4 messaging standard (SBR ebMS3).
- SBR ebMS3 web service implementation guide
The SBR ebMS3 web service implementation guide (WIG) describes common technical components and services that are re-used by all business services. The common services include whole of government gateways that expose services and supports the protocol for message exchange, standard message types, standard response time service levels, standard message structures, a security token service, and a standardised approach to handling business error conditions and transport exceptions.
There is a separate SBR Core Services WIG. - SBR ebMS3 software developer kit guide
The SBR ebMS3 software developer kit (SDK) guide identifies the key components and functionality that comprise the SDK solution. Some of these components are re-used from the previously released SBR Core Services SDK and hence the reader is pointed to the reference for existing documentation. For the new components, this document will outline the usage details and the API specification (where applicable).
Name | Version number | Status | Size | Published date |
SBR ebMS3 Web Services Implementation-Guide (DOCX) | 1.7 | Final | 1.96MB | 14 December 2017 |
SBR ebMS3 SDK Developer Guide (DOCX) | 1.4 | Final | 1.87MB | 13 August 2020 |